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Developers’ Forum

The Bioconductor Developers’ Forum aims to provide a regular platform for Bioconductor developers to describe existing software infrastructure, to present plans for future developments, and discuss changes that may impact developers within the Bioconductor project.

The goals we hope to address include:

  • To inform other developers of ongoing or imminent work to key packages.
  • Share insights into good software practice for R & Bioconductor development.
  • Highlight important changes to R that may have downstream effects on Bioconductor packages or users.
  • Reduce duplication of effort and ensure code updates are incorporated in the ‘correct’ places in the Bioconductor software stack.


Principally people involved in developing and maintaining Bioconductor packages, but the sessions are open and anyone interested in a topics is welcome to attend and contribute.


The forum takes place on the third Thursday of each month. Timing is typically 09:00 PDT / 12:00 EDT / 18:00 CEST and the meetings last approximately one hour. We announce upcoming meetings on the Bioconductor developer mailing list, Slack, and Twitter.

Previous Meetings

Recordings of previous meetings can be found on the Bioconductor YouTube channel as well as on the Course Materials page.