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This is the development version of Biobase; for the stable release version, see Biobase.

Biobase: Base functions for Bioconductor

Bioconductor version: Development (3.18)

Functions that are needed by many other packages or which replace R functions.

Author: R. Gentleman [aut], V. Carey [aut], M. Morgan [aut], S. Falcon [aut], Haleema Khan [ctb] ('esApply' and 'BiobaseDevelopment' vignette translation from Sweave to Rmarkdown / HTML), Bioconductor Package Maintainer [cre]

Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer <maintainer at>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("Biobase")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.3") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

# The following initializes usage of Bioc devel


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:

An introduction to Biobase and ExpressionSets PDF R Script
esApply Introduction HTML R Script
Notes for eSet developers HTML R Script
Reference Manual PDF


biocViews Infrastructure, Software
Version 2.61.0
In Bioconductor since BioC 1.6 (R-2.1) or earlier (> 18 years)
License Artistic-2.0
Depends R (>= 2.10), BiocGenerics(>= 0.27.1), utils
Imports methods
Linking To
Suggests tools, tkWidgets, ALL, RUnit, golubEsets, BiocStyle, knitr
System Requirements
Bug Reports
See More
Depends On Me ACME, affy, affycomp, affycompData, affyContam, affycoretools, affyPLM, AGDEX, AgiMicroRna, AIMS, ALL, altcdfenvs, annaffy, AnnotationDbi, AnnotationForge, antiProfilesData, ArrayExpress, arrayMvout, BAGS, bandle, bcellViper, beadarray, beadarrayExampleData, beadarraySNP, bgx, BicARE, bigmelon, bioDist, BioMVCClass, BioQC, bladderbatch, BLMA, borealis, brgedata, CAMERA, cancerclass, cancerdata, casper, Category, categoryCompare, CCl4, CCPROMISE, cellHTS2, CGHbase, CGHcall, CGHregions, clippda, CLL, clusterStab, CMA, cn.farms, codelink, colonCA, convert, copa, covEB, covRNA, CRCL18, curatedBreastData, curatedOvarianData, davidTiling, DEXSeq, DFP, diggit, diggitdata, DLBCL, doppelgangR, dressCheck, DSS, dyebias, EBarrays, EDASeq, edge, EGSEA, epigenomix, epivizrData, etec16s, EuPathDB, ExiMiR, ExpressionAtlas, fabia, fabiaData, factDesign, fastseg, fibroEset, flowBeads, frma, gaga, gaschYHS, GeneMeta, geneplotter, geneRecommender, GeneRegionScan, GeneSelectMMD, geNetClassifier, GeoDiff, GEOexplorer, GeomxTools, GEOquery, GOexpress, golubEsets, goProfiles, GOstats, GSE103322, GSE13015, GSE62944, GSEABase, GSEABenchmarkeR, GSEAlm, GSVAdata, GWASTools, hapFabia, harbChIP, HELP, Hiiragi2013, hopach, HTqPCR, HumanAffyData, humanStemCell, HybridMTest, iBMQ, iCheck, IdeoViz, idiogram, INSPEcT, isobar, iterativeBMA, IVAS, Iyer517, kidpack, leeBamViews, leukemiasEset, lumi, lumiBarnes, lungExpression, macat, made4, maEndToEnd, mAPKL, MAQCsubset, MAQCsubsetILM, massiR, MEAL, metabomxtr, metagenomeSeq, MetaGxBreast, MetaGxOvarian, MethPed, methylumi, Mfuzz, MiChip, microbiomeExplorer, mimager, MineICA, MiRaGE, miRcomp, miRNATarget, MLInterfaces, MMDiff2, monocle, msd16s, MSnbase, Mulcom, MultiDataSet, multtest, mvoutData, NanoStringDiff, NanoStringNCTools, NanoTube, Neve2006, NOISeq, nondetects, normalize450K, NormqPCR, octad, oligo, omicRexposome, OrderedList, OTUbase, PADOG, pandaR, panp, pcaMethods, pdInfoBuilder, pepStat, phenoTest, PLPE, POWSC, PREDA, PREDAsampledata, ProData, pRolocGUI, PROMISE, prostateCancerCamcap, prostateCancerGrasso, prostateCancerStockholm, prostateCancerTaylor, prostateCancerVarambally, pumadata, qpcrNorm, qPLEXanalyzer, R453Plus1Toolbox, RbcBook1, rbsurv, rcellminer, rcellminerData, ReadqPCR, RefPlus, rexposome, Ringo, Risa, Rmagpie, Rnits, RTCA, RTopper, RUVnormalizeData, RUVSeq, safe, SCAN.UPC, SeqGSEA, SigCheck, siggenes, singleCellTK, SpeCond, SPEM, SpikeInSubset, spkTools, splineTimeR, STROMA4, SummarizedExperiment, TCGAcrcmiRNA, TCGAcrcmRNA, tigre, tilingArray, topGO, TPP, tRanslatome, tweeDEseqCountData, twilight, UNDO, VegaMC, viper, vsn, wateRmelon, webbioc, XDE, yarn, yeastCC
Imports Me a4Base, a4Classif, a4Core, a4Preproc, ABarray, ACE, aCGH, adSplit, affyILM, AgiMicroRna, ANF, annmap, annotate, AnnotationHubData, annotationTools, arrayQualityMetrics, attract, ballgown, BASiCS, BayesKnockdown, BgeeDB, biobroom, bioCancer, biocViews, BioNet, biosigner, biscuiteer, BiSeq, blima, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, bnem, BSgenomeForge, bsseq, BubbleTree, CAFE, canceR, Cardinal, ccTutorial, CellScore, CellTrails, cfdnakit, CGHnormaliter, ChIPQC, ChIPXpress, ChromHeatMap, cicero, clipper, CluMSID, cn.mops, COCOA, cogena, combi, CompoundDb, ConsensusClusterPlus, consensusDE, consensusOV, coRdon, CoreGx, crlmm, crossmeta, cummeRbund, cyanoFilter, cycle, cydar, CytoML, DAPAR, ddCt, debCAM, deco, DEGreport, DESeq2, DeSousa2013, destiny, DExMA, DExMAdata, discordant, easyRNASeq, EBarrays, ecolitk, EGAD, ENmix, ensembldb, EpiMix, erma, esetVis, ExiMiR, ExpHunterSuite, ExpressionNormalizationWorkflow, farms, ffpe, Fletcher2013a, flowClust, flowCore, flowFP, flowMatch, flowMeans, flowSpecs, flowStats, flowViz, flowWorkspace, FRASER, frma, frmaTools, gCrisprTools, gcrma, GCSscore, gemma.R, genbankr, geneClassifiers, GeneExpressionSignature, genefilter, GeneMeta, geneRecommender, GeneRegionScan, GENESIS, GenomicFeatures, GenomicInteractions, GenomicScores, GenomicSuperSignature, GeoMxWorkflows, GEOsubmission, gep2pep, gespeR, ggbio, girafe, GISPA, GlobalAncova, globaltest, gmapR, GSE13015, GSRI, GSVA, Gviz, Harshlight, HEM, hermes, hgu133plus2CellScore, HTqPCR, HTSFilter, IHWpaper, imageHTS, ImmuneSpaceR, infinityFlow, InPAS, InTAD, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, isomiRs, iterClust, katdetectr, KEGGandMetacoreDzPathwaysGEO, KEGGdzPathwaysGEO, kissDE, lapmix, LiquidAssociation, LRBaseDbi, MAGeCKFlute, makecdfenv, maSigPro, MAST, mastR, mBPCR, mcsurvdata, MeSHDbi, metaseqR2, MethylAid, methylCC, methylclock, methylumi, mfa, MiChip, microbiomeDASim, microbiomeMarker, minfi, MinimumDistance, MiPP, MIRA, miRSM, missMethyl, MLSeq, MMAPPR2, mogsa, MoonlightR, MOSim, MSnID, MultiAssayExperiment, multiscan, mzR, ncdfFlow, netZooR, NormalyzerDE, npGSEA, nucleR, oligoClasses, omicade4, omicsViewer, ontoProc, openCyto, oposSOM, oppar, OrganismDbi, panp, phantasus, PharmacoGx, phemd, phenomis, phyloseq, piano, plethy, plgem, plier, podkat, prebs, PrInCE, progeny, pRoloc, pRolocdata, PROMISE, PROPS, protGear, PSEA, psygenet2r, ptairMS, puma, PureCN, pvac, pvca, pwOmics, qcmetrics, QDNAseq, QFeatures, qpgraph, quantiseqr, quantro, QuasR, qusage, RadioGx, randPack, ReportingTools, restfulSE, RIVER, Rmagpie, RMassBank, RNAinteract, RNAinteractMAPK, rols, ropls, ROTS, rqubic, rScudo, Rtpca, Rtreemix, RUVnormalize, scmap, scTGIF, seqc, SeqVarTools, shinyMethyl, ShortRead, signatureSearchData, SigsPack, sigsquared, SimBindProfiles, singscore, sitadela, SMITE, SomaticSignatures, SpatialDecon, SpatialOmicsOverlay, spkTools, SPONGE, standR, STATegRa, subSeq, synapter, TDbasedUFEadv, TEQC, TFBSTools, timecourse, TMixClust, TnT, topdownr, ToxicoGx, tradeSeq, traviz, TTMap, twilight, uSORT, VanillaICE, variancePartition, VariantAnnotation, VariantFiltering, VariantTools, vidger, vulcan, wateRmelon, wpm, xcms, Xeva
Suggests Me AUCell, BiocCheck, BiocGenerics, BiocOncoTK, biotmleData, breastCancerMAINZ, breastCancerNKI, breastCancerTRANSBIG, breastCancerUNT, breastCancerUPP, breastCancerVDX, BSgenome, ccTutorial, CellMapper, clustComp, coseq, DART, dcanr, dearseq, dorothea, dyebiasexamples, edgeR, EnMCB, EpiDISH, epivizr, epivizrChart, epivizrStandalone, farms, genefu, GENIE3, GenomicRanges, GSAR, GSgalgoR, Heatplus, HMP16SData, HMP2Data, interactiveDisplay, kebabs, les, limma, M3Drop, mammaPrintData, mAPKLData, mCSEA, messina, msa, multiClust, OSAT, PCAtools, RcisTarget, ReactomeGSA, RegParallel, rheumaticConditionWOLLBOLD, ROC, RTCGA, scater, scmeth, scran, SeqArray, seventyGeneData, sparrow, spatialHeatmap, stageR, survcomp, TargetScore, TCGAbiolinks, TFutils, tkWidgets, TOP, TypeInfo, vbmp, widgetTools, yeastExpData, yeastRNASeq
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